EV2 Pricing table - Discount percentage shown in "%" and not in the actual amount.
Get the discount column in a pricing table to be shown in "%" and not in the actual amount.
discount in % be shown in %, not in the flat amount, please
Mark Hazeldine commented
This feature used to exist, but has not been carried over to editor 2.0 and I'm quite annoyed about it. This is not an "idea", this is a failure to implement existing features in your "upgraded" editor. I was promised no loss of features by your support team, but they forgot about this one. Please reinstate it ASAP!
Gabriel Lawrence commented
Seems strange this isn't configurable. Our sales team would prefer to show it as a percentage.
AdminMadelyn Gunay (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Just like in EV1 the total tax percentage automatically shows on the Total tax label
Polina Ismailova commented
Have discount in % be shown in %, not in the flat amount
Susan Daly commented
Yes, we prefer to show the discount amount rather than the actual amount.
Marc Beck commented
Why did this change? It used to show the % and not the $ amount. This needs to change back as it's ridiculous that you change this but not allow both options!
James Cooper commented
Discount and tax are passed to panada doc from salesforce as a percentage, please also allow display as a percentage. This should be set at the template level.
The ability to apply a calculation to quantity instead of dollars in the table footer. Essentially applying a "tax" of 15% to quantity instead of currency.
Mary Yamson commented
Be able to add discount on a pricing table showing the percent%. Currently, when you save the edits on the pricing table, you will see the total amount of the discount not the percent.