Ability to remove Document Reference (Document-Ref) and page numbering
Ability to disable footer contents (Document Reference and page numbering)

The status of this suggestion is currently unchanged. Please check back for updates.
Katia Teirstein commented
Same. We submit forms to the government. The reference covers barcodes and editions that must be seen. It's un-usable if "completed"
Anonymous commented
do not add the page numbering in the PDF when the document has one page
Amy Showalter commented
Some documents have barcodes, etc. coming from vendors like banks where this footer covers them up making the whole document unusable.
Brian Gacila commented
remove document reference number in signature certificate
Shaina Plaksin commented
Option to remove verification on the e-signed document (The document reference number)
Paul Cedric Guevarra commented
Option to Edit Footer info like Document reference number and page number.
- Will allow the user to edit footer content like document reference number and page number
Be able to remove doc ref and page number from signature certificate/disable signature certificate
Option to remove document ref & page number which are automatically added to the pdf of a compelted document