Conditional logic for fields that will allow text blocks to appear when condition is met
Conditional logic that will allow a user to set conditions on fields that will show a text block once it is met.

Hi. We aren’t planning on building this into our feature set at this point in time since it doesn’t fit into our current product roadmap. Please keep upvoting this idea so we can keep considering it every time we work on our roadmap.
Should you come across any other ideas that suit your business needs, don’t hesitate to give them an upvote!
‌Iryna‌ Pekarchyk‌ commented
Option to make a text block appear in a document based on a conditional rule.
Jomarie Papas commented
Is it possible to create text boxes that appear only if a specific radio button is selected? I want follow-up questions to appear only when necessary to reduce clutter.
I can't use this method since there is too much whitespace when the follow-up questions aren't there and the conditional text boxes can be edited by the signer. How can I get around this?
Robbert-john sjollema commented
imagine a list of services in a contract. all these services have unique terms and conditions. The contract would not only be extremely long if i would have to paste all the T&C's of all the services into it, but it would also confuse the customer a lot.
Why not show only the T&C's when they need to be shown: when the customer selects certain services.
Jaynna Ellis Dela Llana commented
Please add conditional rule for all blocks and fields as well.
Anonymous commented
Not only text blocks but any blocks - conditionally display a table based on a checkbox being checked, if the recipient check the box on the contract, a table to be displayed, if it is not checked, a default table will display