Variable Calculations: Basic Mathematical Operations
Option to have basic math calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, calculating percentages) in variables
Hi. Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your perspective. We offer this feature in scope of a broader solution, namely:
We hope these releases can help you. If not, please keep upvoting this idea, so we can keep considering it every time we work on our roadmap.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
To be able to do a simple calculation in template like [Terms]*[MonthlyAmount] into a single new variable called [TotalContractAmount]
Sherwin John Mendoza commented
Customer would like to have a formula that will sum up two variables (or fields)
Jeff Rizzo commented
math in variables. if variable a = 2 - then variable b would automatically display a*2 for example
length of product is based on width.if width is 10 - then display the length as 20 (2 * 10)
jeff commented
Get this done yesterday! The possibilities are endless at that point. We say Token_A=$1000 then minus Token_B=$300 = $700
Dharmesh Dayabhai commented
It would be good to create the calculated field whereby
if you have the total value (variable) you can then do a =[Document.Value]*30
so this could be part of a calculation such as an invoice field. -
Thomas Hayes commented
Variables that can have mathematical operations done on them.
For example, a recipient could be filling out a document, and have a question as to whether they would like to add gutters. The variable [gutter.price] would calculate based on the size/features of the house, and another variable [gutter.cost], which is set by the sender.
THis would be separate from pricing tables.
Dharmesh Dayabhai commented
It would be good to create the calculated field whereby
if you have the total value (variable) you can then do a =[Document.Value]*30
so this could be part of a calculation such as an invoice field. -
James Cole commented
Namable Calculated fields
It would Be Helpful to have Field that could do simple Math and Logic, that can be named
Sample name
[customCalc.Deposit]simple math :
=[Price Table 1.Total] * 0.10logic: JS shorthand to set up a Max Down Payment of $1000 or less
=[Total] > 10,000 ? 1000 : [Total]*0.10
=[Total] <= 0 ? 0 : [Total]
Hiding some of these field would help too.
Named Buttons would be helpful
Veteran Discount [Vet] = 1 or 0
[customCalc.vetDiscount] = [Total]*(0.07*[vet]) simple Boolean Math based on button state
vet discount button state : set = 7000 *(0.07*1) = 490.00
Currently here's what I'm working on
Balance Due After Down Payment $15,799.00 [Total]
Schedule of progress payments;
10% (of Balance Due) upon Site Visit and Plan Design. $1,579.90 =[Total] * 0.10
50% At Equipment Delivery $7,899.50 =[Total] * 0.50
40% at Building Permit(s) Finaled $6,319.60 =[Total] * 0.40
Initials _________ -
Zach Snyder commented
You should be able to create custom variables that are based on other variables. For example, you should be able to make Variable C [[Variable A]+[Variable B]], or have the ability to add formulas to the table cells, similarly to Excel. It seems like there is some sort of this functionality with the system variable [Document.Value], but you cannot create your own variable that adds multiple pricing table totals together in one variable.
Nani Ancheta commented
Audio Artisans commented
Be able to reference other variables within a variable with mathematical logic.
For Example: PricingTable1.Total + PricingTable2.Total = UserDefinedVariable.1
Or 10% PricingTable3.Total = UserDefinedVariable.2 -
Angelica Lapat commented
A way to add a formula to a form, simple lookup or multiplication are two examples.
Robert Fagnan commented
the ability to add formulas to tokens so they can auto fill # like for % based contracts
AdminYana Martynenko (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Smart tokens
1) the token that illustrates the price of a specific product;
2) Can plus to each other and sum up to be the same as total amount in the pricing table.