Ability to change the date format for variables
To be able to modify the format of the Document.CreatedDate variable (token).
I'm glad to announce that variables for Document created and date sent work based on your workspace settings. Thanks for using PandaDoc!
Jonathan Monje commented
The ability to change the format for the document created date format.
i.e EU format vs US
Lee-ann Dunton commented
Thanks Maria!
Madeline Kalfas commented
This would be great to have for all date variables! We would also like the option to display Month Year format (i.e. August 2023).
AdminNikol Gkerpini (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Fully written vs numbers only option in the doc editor: 14 December, 2022
Non-US countries formats adjusted via workspace settings and applied to all docs -
Brian Gacila commented
date field format - name/word instead of numbers
James Brocklehurst commented
Please sort ASAP!!
Mateusz Urban commented
Okay honestly, please do something about this
Aimee Baxter commented
We work with international students. I think having the full name is a better method of communicating
ben.newport commented
Full written month format should be included. E.g. 14th December, 2022.
ben.newport commented
This seems like a simple feature to implement. I hope it comes soon.
ben.newport commented
How is this not already a setting??! This is a quick and easy fix please.
AdminLori Nolen (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Critical for my customer working within HubSpot since date variable does not sync up properly between HSpot & PDoc.
Anonymous commented
month listed in full on the date field like "21 November 2022"
When changing the Default date format under workspace settings, it should influence the system variables (document created date) in the templates/ documents. At the moment the system variables are in American format (Month DD, Year) and there should be the option to have (DD Month Year).
shruthi.ashwathappa commented
Date formats for different region and to pull preferred date format from salesforce
Angelica Lapat commented
Ability to change the format of Date values that are being pulled into the templates via the SF variables
Alma Bailo commented
change the format of the date when document creation is started through hubspot into pandadoc
Jon Obers commented
Within HubSpot Line Items, the standard property "Start Date" date format is not converting from HubSpot to PandaDoc in the date format I have set in my PandaDoc profile settings. For example, the Start Date that appears on my template is YYYY/DD/MM but the date format I have set in my PandaDoc profile setting (MM/DD/YYYY). All other date formats convert properly but this does not and seems like it would be a simple fix so that it converts as expected.
Support told me that I would need to create a text property and then a workflow in order to make the data appear as expected on my template. This seems very impractical when there just needs to be a simple date conversion applied to the Line Items standard property "Start Date".
Scott Peetz commented
Having the month of June appear as Jun in a document leads everyone to assume its a typo. Frankly I'm shocked this is like this. Even your roadmap date for this request is December 02, 2021.
Vasco Oliveira commented
It is important that different formats are available, as if companies target different markets this differs. Support of different languages would be ideal but a simple date formatting with numbers is simpler and solves the problem. having the DD-MM-YYYY and MM-DD-YYYY would be enough for now. But this is critical, because the variable becomes unusable for non english speaking clients.