Make fillable fields colors distinguishable between recipients, and for individuals with color blindness
Fix the issue of two recipients having similar colored fillable fields and improve ease for individuals with color bllindness

Great news!
The new color palette for fillable fields is now available to everybody.
While this does not allow you to pick colors for recipients, we've chosen eight distinct colors that will be assigned to the recipients automatically, depending on their order. These distinct colors will fix the issue of two recipients having similar colored fillable fields. We've carefully selected these new colors to not only pass the contrast checker, but also to make sure that they are easily distinguishable for individuals with color blindness.
For use cases that require you to pick colors for branding, customization or any reason other than distinguishability, please upvote this idea: Ability to pick/change colors of fillable fields.
Ray Junior commented
this is great news, thank you pandadoc!
however, i don't understand why you would you not just give us complete control and let us pick all the colors? -
Holly Fabrow commented
In the interim could you code the application to not select any sort of similar colors within a template. It's currently coded to be similar colors and that just seems like a miss or just lazy coding. At a minimum this should generate very different colors for the different roles without making the end user have to manually change or in the future.
InterSign University commented
Critical for clients with visual disabilities. Thank you.
Robin Angemi commented
How can I tell that my field are assigned correct when both Roles are purple?
Ned Schoenfeld commented
Very often the color of the signatures is either not different at all or hardly different. This should be changeable by the document author in pandadoc on either a doc or a template.
Peter Naughton commented
This should be a no-brainer. The only way I can imagine 2 signers get assigned the same color: PandaDoc must be picking colors at random for each document.
(a) drop the randomness and make it so that signer 1 is always red, 2 is blue, 3 is dark yellow, 4 is green, etc. or:
(b) install some code so that each time the "random color picker" runs, it checks to see if the color is already in use, and if so, it runs again until each signer has their own unique color.It's not rocket science. It's actually borderline shameful that this request is now rounding the corner of 3 years old and it hasn't been implemented yet.
Angelica Lapat commented
Ability to change the field color for signers
Hiep Nguyen commented
It would be great if we could designate the same color scheme by default. For example, the first signer is red, the second is blue, the third is green, etc. If there is only one signer, then red.
Brett Scharf commented
For those who do not know, the contact appears to be assigned color based on the email address that's entered - no matter how many times you delete the contact and recreate it with the same email address.
However, a workaround is to add "+" before the @ symbol in an email address. For instance, if you want to be a signer, make the contact for the color to change and for the email to still reach the recipient. You can test emailing yourself with "+" if you'd like. I can confirm that adding a "+" did change the color for a contact so my two signers now have different colors assigned so they know what they're each responsible for.
Brett Scharf commented
I repeatedly have the same color assigned to both signers of a document. Please fix this confusing setting!
Amanda Kitchens commented
This isn't remotely disability friendly- the colors often show up so that it's impossible to differentiate for someone that's color-blind.
But that's being kind. I mean the default colors are nearly impossible to tell apart without color blindness. RED and PINK for signing roles generated back to back? Yikes.
Honestly, the lack of basic functionality is so frustrating.
Kristin Held commented
DocuSign has this and it's super helpful when I need several people signing ONE document. I do this with Shareholder Meeting when not everyone can be present.
JMP Accountants commented
Often it happens that two different signee's get allotted the same colour. This makes applying signing tabs more confusing, especially when both people have to input information on the same page. So far i've seen it happen with purple and red. When sending a large volume of documents, this increases our risk of costly mistakes.
AdminSonia Serra (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Hi Team, sometimes the system creates very similar colors for each role we create. Is it possible to have the possibility to create select the colors ourselves? This would avoid similar colores and let me manage the color for any color blind user.
Bill Steele commented
With all of the features baked into here, this is honestly kind of ridiculous that it cannot be changed. Lock it down at the Template level like you do with Approvers if need be. Or if they HAVE to be randomly selected when the document is created, then create some code that assigns colors that are opposite on the color wheel. Just do something with it please.
Anonymous commented
change the color of the fillable fields
sometimes it chooses a good color that stands out (example a red or green checkbox) and other times it chooses light brown or a color that doesn't look good or get attention.
Anonymous commented
It would be great if we could change the colors of the signature boxes, etc. We work with a lot of schools and it would be a nice touch to be able to use their school colors.
Elizabeth Castillo commented
Since there is an auto assign foe the color that is chosen for recipients, clients, etc sometimes the colors are SUPER close and then you have to actually hover over the field to see who it is assigned to versus being able to use the visual colors.
My suggestion is to allow us to assign colors. -
AdminKamari Ross (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Client wants the ability to change colors of the roles
maya commented
This can cause issues with visually ensuring your fields are correct and mapping to the correct person. At minimum, making it possible to ensure every recipient has a different color would be a huge help. Thank you!