Move documents across workspaces and keep the statuses
Is there anything on the pipeline that will make this easier for us to move documents across workspaces?
The status of this suggestion is currently unchanged. Please check back for updates.
Donal Brady commented
I still can't understand how simple document management things like this are not in place for PandaDoc. It's the single biggest weakness of the platform. A document platform that doesn't have simple document saving UX embedded into it! 🤯
You make it so hard to organise documents. Another example is the automations feature is so cumbersome to make completed documents save to a file directory. When creating any document, it should come as standard to ask the user which document directory they would like the document saved to, rather than it saving into the main directory.
Arshak Karapetyan commented
+1 for this idea.
I accidentally created a doc in the wrong workspace and it took some precious time and resources to move it to the right workspace.
I understand you may see risks here, but not having this option poses way more risks for us in the case where docs contain sensitive information not intended for the users whose workspace these docs was originally created in.
Alternatively, provide workspace default option where users with multiple workspace access will always log in to their default workspace, rather than the workspace they last logged in to. -
Axi Molnar commented
super depressing to read that this feature is yet not considered for the roadmap, when ideas with less than 100 votes are being evaluated and added.
Lauren Baumann commented
I would love to see this feature so that we can move documents, when they are accidently created in the wrong workspace without losing any data! Thank you for your consideration.
Amy Koch commented
We must be able to move fully expedited agreements and other documents from one workspace to another without losing any of the history. Downloading it and then uploading it into another workspace isn't an option because we can't have it in "Draft." Plus, it takes an enormous amount of time and is very inefficient.
Ryan Grissinger commented
This is mission critical - we have outgrown a "flat" (one-department) structure. We are diversifying into multiple "workspaces" and we simply need to be able to re-organize our existing signed departments into "Sales" and "Human Resources" and "Private/Executive" (for example) without loosing history. We need to be able to protect some private/confidential docs from certain teams. Downloading and uploading, or reverting all docs to "draft" status is unreasonable. This should be a simple request and we're kind of fascinated it doesn't work as expected already. We are contemplating moving to a different vendor over this issue alone.
Helena Králová commented
We have documents that have been accidentally created in wrong workspaces and they contain data that should be available to the users within the workspace it was created in.
Jennifer Williams commented
We have documents that have been accidentally created in wrong workspaces and they contain data that should be available to the users within the workspace it was created in. If I download and then upload into the correct one, then delete out of the wrong one, it loses the integrity of the signature flow. This functionality should be available to all users, just Admin.
Austin Keith commented
I'm shocked to see that this was requested in 2020 and there is still no movement on this being added to the feature set. Honestly calling this functionality a feature feels generous when the current 'solution' is to download as a PDF and then re-upload it and manually select the status. In the year of our lord 2024?
Mickel commented
The absence of the feature to move documents between workspaces is not just a minor inconvenience; it should have been included as a default option for the Enterprise plan, especially considering the substantial monthly fee of $89 that is already being paid. It is inevitable for organizations with multiple Enterprise users to experience growth and undergo changes. Hence, the ability to seamlessly transfer documents between workspaces is fundamental and should be readily available.
AdminLori Nolen (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Important for Enterprise customer Please update customer when this moves to roadmap
Lee-ann Dunton commented
This is a hugely important feature for us as well. We have multiple business units, and due to the limitations that PandaDoc has in managing document access (i.e., no folder restrictions within workspaces), we have to set up separate workspaces to handle a lot of this. When users have access to multiple workspaces, documents inevitably get created & sent from within the wrong workspace, and we have no way to move those to the correct location.
Dag Arne Brænd commented
In my opinion this is a really important feature. Spaces is the way to control who has access to what on a larger scale, and when you grow your organizational needs change. To NOT be able to move a document between spaces (and keep the document status) looks like a rather strange limitation. It should be as natural to move a document between spaces as moving it inside a singular space. Please reconsider your priorities. For the company I work for this is the number one feature to implement.
Axi Molnar commented
Hey Product Team! The fact that this feature has been requested for more than a year now and it still being not planned is worrisome. The workaround mentioned below is not applicable anymore. For companies scaling up it's critical to separate documents for different departments while also referencing already signed documents. I seriously hope that you reconsider this feature and deprioritize less important features like organising the side bar, which brings little value.
joshu commented
as orgs scale - people set up individual accounts, really needed for org management and keep things centralised, legal and compliant.
Dag Arne Brænd commented
The ability to move documents between workspaces, at least by the administrator would be a much welcome enhancement.
Anonymous commented
move or copy Forms from one workspace to another
AdminLori Nolen (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
My customer in a school district needs the ability to move documents between workspaces without losing the completed status and keeping certificates in tact--this is very important in regard to documents completed by parents regarding SPED/504 students--anything regarding maintaining FERPA privacy
Anonymous commented
Ability to transfer documents from one workspace to another workspace
AdminAnonymous (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Hi Team, Please look into and prioritize the functionality of moving documents from one Workspace to another while keeping the document's respective status. Thanks!