Archive documents
Archive documents

The status of this suggestion is currently unchanged. Please check back for updates.
Eric Jacobson commented
Oftentimes a prospect doesn't move forward right away but we want to keep the document contents without having it rejected by the prospect or deleted by us. That's where archive function would help.
Anonymous commented
There should be an option to acknowledge and archive expired or declined documents
Christopher Williams commented
Ive wanted this as well. Should be rel. easy to implement, works like the trash folder.
Tamara Ercole commented
- Archive folder in the main dashboard will allow for completed documents to be stored once treated within the completed folder. We would need to have the ability to move the completed document from Completed to Archive.
Paul Cedric Guevarra commented
Archive Folder in the Dashboard
Chelsea Richardson commented
I would like the ability to archive unsent drafts instead of having to either delete them or leave them in drafts indefinitely. If I have a draft that could at some point need to be sent, but it could be months out, I don't want to look at it all the time, but I'd like to be able to resurrect it if it should come back to life. Basically, the ability to organize within drafts would help.
Thomas Page commented
This would be extremely useful. I thought revising a signed document would create a copy of the original that could be edited, but instead it erased the signatures so I have no evidence the contract was ever signed. This is a HUGE flaw.
Now I have to follow up with a client to get them to re-sign a contract we completed over a year ago. Automatically archiving a completed document or would
[Deleted User] commented
Auto Download Completed Agreements
AdminYana Martynenko (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Save all the completed documents as PDFs automatically.