7005 results found
Send a recipient link via Zapier as a reminder notification from Hubspot
send reminder via Zapier when the HubSpot in Zap
1 vote -
1 vote
Pricing table: separate design option for total sections (adjust design for totals individually)
The ability to change the font color, style, size of the pricing table numerical values and totals individually.
56 votesThe status of this suggestion is currently unchanged. Please check back for updates.
add collaborators via mobile app
add collaborators via mobile app
3 votes -
1 vote
Show Workspace ID in document details endpoint
Show workspace ID to the response of Get document details call
2 votes -
Several API keys for a single workspace
The ability to generate a few or more API keys for a single workspace.
1 vote -
add tags to multiple documents
adding tags to multiple documents
12 votes -
Google Analytics
Google analytics integration.
2 votes -
Multi-team approval workflow
As a second request, I’d love to have multiple approval workflows with ability to send back 1 level and not back to the start of the approval process. For instance, if 1 group is accountable for wording, 1 for legal and 1 for pricing. I don’t want someone adjusting pricing to require everything to start from the beginning again.
2 votes -
add a document value custom amount to the template on PandaDoc mobile app
add a document value custom amount to the template on PandaDoc mobile app
When I use a template on a mobile device to create a document, there seems to be no option to input the custom amount I wanted to collect for payment. On the web version I click the currency value top left, but I can't see this on the app
1 vote -
1 vote
Google Sheets: follow custom page breaks
In case Google spreadsheet has custom page breaks, after uploading it to PandaDoc, the page breaks should be saved.
1 vote -
Ability to automatically hide variables without a value when used in Smart Content
It would be useful to be able to utilize Smart Content to be able to hide variables that have no value / are blank.
3 votes -
Blank page does NOT appear when using smart content with multiple pages.
Smart content: A blank page is added when CLI with multiple, uploaded pages is used. It is preferred that the blank page does NOT appear when using smart content.
5 votes -
Form link: check how many views
Option to check how many views the Form link has (without reponses).
1 vote -
Make fields required internally (to require users to upload documents)
When users outside of Admin/Owner are creating documents allow a way for the admin to require users to upload specific details and information.
3 votes -
Automated Escalation Process: if the document is not approved in 24h, send the document to another approver
automated escalation process for the approval of documents
i.e. if the document is not approved in 24h, send the document to another approver
4 votes -
Set signing order within pre-selected content: conditional content based on specific roles / recipients
Currently, the signing order can only be set within the template, but we want to use different pre-selected content blocks for different numbers of signatories. Can the order option be added to pre-selected content? Currently, the only option is to add roles, which all receive the doc at the same time.
1 vote -
Option to disable the Redlining Notification
Option to disable the Redlining Notification.
- will allow users to disable redlining notification
5 votes
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