7017 results found
The ability to add a disclaimer to a Form.
For example, if there are multiple roles (3+), a disclaimer may help deter confusion for recipients.
1 vote -
Copy Smart content Templates between workspace
We test our templates in a sandbox before going live and the ability to share smart content templates across workspaces would be a huge time save
31 votesHi,
Thank you for taking the time to leave your request. There’s no way to do that at the moment, but the good news is that we have already started working on that feature, and it will be available in one of our upcoming releases. We will be communicating it through our product newsletter and via an alert inside PandaDoc.
1 vote
Include account / contact info related to opportunity into Salesforce metadata
Extend metadata received from Salesforce when creating a document (for now only object id is pulling through - would be cool to have some related records as well for example if there's account/contact related to opportunity).
1 vote -
Reducing Input Lag while Typing in Boxes
There seems to be a lot of input lag lately on here. I will begin typing into boxes on a document at a moderate pace only to see that half of what I typed was actually registered by the system. Then I have to go back and type one letter at a time until it shows up. It significantly slows down the process of completing documentation.
While user internet speed and processing speed play a part, I have used PandaDoc on a few different devices using different WiFi/Ethernet connections and have experienced the same lag.
1 vote -
Fix navigation menu to avoid collapsing: Don't like collapsing navigation menu. There's no option to fix this recent change.
Very recently, PandaDoc changed for the desktop version, so that the left navigation menu collapses automatically when you are not active with the mouse in that window. I really despise this change, but there is no option to do anything else.
1 vote -
Ability to set an automation that will pre-select certain templates depending on the information that certain fields within Salesforce objec
Ability to set an automation that will pre-select certain templates depending on the information that certain fields within Salesforce objects are populated with.
3 votes -
Option to edit a document that will take effect on all sent docuemnts
Option to edit a document that will take effect on all sent documents.
- will allow the user to edit specific document that will also take effect on same sent docuiments
1 vote -
How can I set Pandadoc in order to pull the deal creator phone from Pipedrive?
How can I set Pandadoc in order to pull the deal creator phone from Pipedrive?
2 votes -
3 votes
Ability to place signature boxes via page number and x,y coordinate values in API. - jeff@euro-wall.com
Being able to upload the source doc and define the fields via page number and x,y coordinate values would be useful.
1 vote -
Document menu: View and make attachments + uploaded documents (wet signature) clickable from the document menu.
Document menu:
View and make attachments + uploaded documents (wet signature) clickable from the document menu.2 votes -
Apply design theme to table of contents as well. Table of contents formatting from custom design.
Ability for headers/footers and Table of Contents adhere to the document Design Theme
7 votes -
Use text values in pricing column: add text to the price column in the pricing table
add text to the price column in the pricing table like: To be determined instead of the price
5 votes -
Option to have the signer read the document before signing
Option to have the signer read the document before signing
- will allow the sender to have the signer to read all of the pages or specific pages before signing in
10 votes -
Character Limitation with headings in Table of Contents
Can we remove the limitation or increase the amount of characters available for headings in the Tables of contents?
1 vote -
is there a Wordpress integration for PandaDoc without third party plugins?
5 votes -
Keep Comments on Document after editing
Keep comments after moving a document from sent to draft status.
1 vote -
2 votes
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?