Schedule Sending documents
Ability to schedule when to send a document
Thank you so much for reaching out – this is a great suggestion and we have had other customers asking about this feature as well. While we’re looking into the possibility of developing it, it isn’t on our product roadmap for the next few months. Please feel free to upvote or leave your comment to let us know how and why this functionality is important for you. Thank you!
Solomon Nana Brako commented
the schedule send makes it easier to schedule when documents should be sent even if you are out of the office.
It is a really good option if you would consider that in your next upgrade. -
Jeanette Leclaire commented
The reason behind this scheduled send request is because often times we have school vacations, but in the special ed world, time doesn't stop and we have many legal deadlines to meet. We are entitled to a restful vacation too, so being able to get our work completed before our vacation and then scheduling the send to families to hit the right timelines would be extremely helpful! Some paperwork being signed starts a timeclock for other procedures and so sometimes sending it on just the right date can make the difference.
John Gebu commented
My team is looking forward to this feature in the nearest futre. This will tremendously improve to admission process of our new comers. Keep it up !
Axi Molnar commented
super depressing to see that this feature has been heavily voted and mentioned as critical, is a standard feature for a lot of apps, and Pandadoc still hasn't implemented it for more than 4 yrs...I don't know what kind of roadmap do you have (or if you even have one), because I've been using Pandadoc daily since 2021 and there hasn't been a single new feature released (or at least nothing useful for me).
Anonymous commented
schedule an automation, to send the users a bulk email at the start of every month
Daryl Fuller commented
I honestly cannot believe that PandaDoc has neglected this basic feature! It's too important to far too many users/potential users for your leadership to ignore. Please put this on your development roadmap and complete this item ASAP!
Anonymous commented
Ability to automatically send a document/form to be signed by the client and have it accompanied by two "boxes" in which they can attach a photo. Then have it download as a PDF
James Owen commented
Disappointed to learn after an expensive transition from a cheaper alternative I'm surprised to learn scheduling sending the document isn't already a standard feature. I would LOVE for you to build this in to improve the PandaDoc experience.
jack.lavender commented
OR, what if we could send the REMINDERS at a specific time?
jack.lavender commented
We have discovered a significant difference in the time required to get a signature if we send documents very early in the morning. Our clients are schools and if we're at the top of the inbox when principals arrive to school, we get signatures quickly. Once the children start arriving, the principal is completely consumed and the best we can hope for is that we get a signature by the end of the day. Usually it's the next day. It is, literally, 16-18 hours difference on average which then impacts our ability to invoice and, by extension, hurts our cash flow.
Amanda Blanton commented
This seems like a very basic feature that most E-Sign platforms have. This should be implemented ASAP.
Toka Murphy commented
I am looking to automatically send the same document for signature every month.
Safety Romania commented
Is it possible to create the option to schedule to send the email with information to request the signature?
Tom commented
In times of remote work and working form different time zones, or just different life styles and day cycles (early bird vs. night owl, etc.), people work around the clock. Yet, for many business cases it might come across awkward to receive a contract that someone sent you at 3:40 a.m. in the middle of the night.
Therefore it would be great, if someone could prepare the documents e.g. at 3 a.m. in the night but postpone the actual sending of the emails to the people to sign it at e.g. 8 a.m. in their time zone.
This is not only good for self marketing a better image (if your lawyer prepares your important contract in the middle of the night this might make him seem incompetent, etc.) but it also has inbox-strategy related advantages, i.e. being at top of the inbox on the start of the work day of the recipient, etc.
In the year 2023 it is an absolutely crucial feature and I am surprised, that it is not implemented yet.
Jess Woodrum commented
Ability to schedule a document to send at a future date.
Savannah Faulkner commented
The ability to set a specific time for documents to be sent out automatically.
Example: I want documents to go out at 8 in the morning the next day.
Simon Davis commented
Critically important to schedule send documents. Better suited for flexible working arrangements. Schedule documents for receipt by the client during business hours. Ensure documents are sitting at the top of clients inbox when in a different time zone.
Emily Gould commented
Customer would like to delay the delivery of a form
Anna McCallon commented
Requested by our HR team for sending documents on days when they're out of office.
Matt Tesdell commented
We would especially like to see this for bulk send. We use bulk send to distribute internal weekly safety documentation that needs sent out every Monday morning. It would be great to be able to set up a year's worth of these in advance.