Additional / Custom fields for PandaDoc Contacts: The ability to add other information for contacts than what is currently available.
The status of this suggestion is currently unchanged from when the previous comment was posted. Please check back for updates.
AdminInes Imo (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Adding additional fields to contacts in PandaDoc beyond the standard ones.
Include salary, contract start date, work time, legal entity people are working for, proposed end date etc.(The type of info that would be included in a contract.)
Lou Freitas commented
There are a set of fields that we use for all contracts that are directly related to the contact of said contract.
Creating custom contact fields that can become variables in the contracts would be a huge time saver and seems simple enough to implement
AdminSavannah Faulkner (Admin, PandaDoc) commented
Per a client: "My contact sheet has an area for their relocation director or managing broker, so it would be great if I could add additional custom fields so that I can store that information and bring it through to the contract."
Mickel commented
This should have been possible by default. The inability to add custom fields to Contacts is a significant limitation in a solution that aims to improve efficiency and automation. Custom fields are essential for achieving an optimal workflow, and the restriction to a very limited set of default fields doesn't align with the purpose of this type of software.
Veritas Surgery commented
A way to save a default passcode for particular contacts.
Currently, authentication requires a new code to be entered in the document creation every time, even if the signer is a frequent recipient. Please add a way to save a password to the signer so it auto-populates every time.
Lindsay Bove commented
Ability to add a custom field in the contacts section.
They would specifically add a section for claim#'s and job #'s.
Sherwin John Mendoza commented
Customer would like to create a custom field under contacts
dave.ruijs commented
For our operation this is critical, we work with alot of self employed persons and at this moment we would still have to manually input information like the chamber of commerce registration and VAT numbers.
Jonathan Monje commented
Ability to add more contact information/create custom fields to populate information on the contact page.
Kassel Aparte commented
Add VAT Number Field in the Create New Contacts section and be able to use this as variables in the document.
Anonymous commented
Being able to add a URL/Website to the Role Fields when setting up a document.
Anonymous commented
add to contacts a company registration number
Jonathon Gillis commented
It would be useful to be able to add custom fields within contact information (for example, account number).
adroperations commented
Company ID # | FEIN for USA, Company number in UK etc.
This would be a great help., At this time, these numbers need to be added manually which negates the time efficiency created by the contact info blocks -
Michele Mereu commented
VAT number for companies
Dob, social security number / fiscal code for employees or candidates
Employee IDs, for example.
Alma‌‌ Bailo‌ commented
Additional contact fields
Ability to add a custom line as (references/description, etc.) to the contact in PandaDoc
Axel Amory commented
could the first section of the new customer information sheet have the details that match up with your quote template to save entering information twice as it is frustrating if you spend the time to enter in customer details and it doesnt load onto quote maily the customer adress
Taylor Malley commented
If the client was tied to an organization and having organization custom fields would be a huge win! For example - specific dates referenced in each contract i.e. PSA date that could auto populate.